Yana Panchenko
From a young age, my heart was captivated by the idea of missionary work, and my dream of dedicating my life to God became a reality on August 15, 2022, at FireCamp, where I felt a profound calling.

For the past year, I've served wholeheartedly as a missionary with Solid Rock Mission in the East of Ukraine. In this role, I bring joy and gratitude to God by engaging in diverse activities—serving in children's camps, leading evangelization efforts, participating in women's ministry, and spreading the message of hope in villages, cities, and hospitals.

Having forsaken a stable job, I wholeheartedly embraced Jesus' call, becoming His hands and feet among nations. Now, I extend an invitation for you to join hands with me in the harvest field. Together, we can journey further and touch countless more souls for Jesus!

Inspired by Matthew 10:7-8, my vision is clear: "Go and tell them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure lepers, and cast out demons. Give as generously as you receive!" With authority from above, my mission is to heal, restore, and uplift disciples, guided by obedience to Him. Fulfilling the Great Commission is my deepest longing.

As I follow the Lord's path, your prayers are invaluable. I extend a humble invitation for you to become a partner in this gospel mission. Your monthly or one-time donation will play a crucial role in leading many to Jesus—a true honor and a shared blessing in spreading the light of His love!
"Not that I desire your gifts;
what I desire is that more be credited
to your account."

Philipians 4:17