Young Disciples Ukraine

Over 4,000 children were reached
through kids camps in this Summer of 2019

Young Disciples Ukraine

Over 4,000 children were reached
through kids camps in this Summer of 2019

Young Disciples Ukraine

Young Disciples Ukraine

There is no greater joy but to do the will of the father. Jesus discipled and He called us to make disciples. We are reaching, discipling and equipping young people in their gifts and calling for the Kingdom of God. Partner with us and let's make disciples together.

Slavik & Julia Golovatyuk
Director / Founder of Solid Rock Mission

There is no greater joy but to do the will of the father.
Jesus discipled and He called us to make disciples. We
are reaching, discipling and equipping young people
in their gifts and calling for the Kingdom of God.
Partner with us and let's make disciples together.

Slavik & Julia Golovatyuk
Director / Founder of Solid Rock Mission
Children reached so far?
We keep statistics and registration records of all children that we serve.
Help us disciple the children by clicking the button bellow!
Jesus discipled and He called us to make disciples.
We are reaching, discipling and equipping young people
in their gifts and calling for the Kingdom of God.
Partner with us and let's make disciples together.
Every Child Shall Be Saved
Pavel was born in 1984 in a
non-christian home. In a family
of 21 kids where 18 of them are adopted, he was the second one to come to Christ in 2003...
By partnering with us, our ministry becomes your ministry and we will serve as an extension of your hands and feet in spreading the Gospel.
In the Summer of 2017, after completing the missionary training we became missionaries of Solid Rock Mission.
Born and raised in the Dnipropetrovsk region in Ukraine. Successfully graduated from high school and got a profession.
Pavel was born in 1984 in a
non-christian home. In a family
of 21 kids where 18 of them are adopted, he was the second one to come to Christ in 2003...
By partnering with us, our ministry becomes your ministry and we will serve as an extension of your hands and feet in spreading the Gospel.
In the Summer of 2017, after completing the missionary training we became missionaries of Solid Rock Mission.
Born and raised in the Dnipropetrovsk region in Ukraine. Successfully graduated from high school and got a profession.
About our mission
Our mission school has outgrew the Missionary Training Center. It's heartbreaking because there are teenagers that have been waiting for over a year to get into our school and we are still unable to accept them due to the lack of space. Therefore, we have started new exciting project where we will add a Missionary School Dormitory.
About our mission
Our mission school has outgrew the Missionary Training Center. It's heartbreaking because there are teenagers that have been waiting for over a year to get into our school and we are still unable to accept them due to the lack of space. Therefore, we have started new exciting project where we will add a Missionary School Dormitory.
Uncoming Events
Washington state
The Tour...
Join us for a very special tour in the most bike-friendly state in the nation. This is a "Climber's Delight" where you'll experience a rich sampling of Washington's diverse ecosystems.
12-16 | September, 2020
300 miles bike ride
in Washington State
Washington state
The Tour...
Join us for a very special tour in the most bike-friendly state in the nation. This is a "Climber's Delight" where you'll experience a rich sampling of Washington's diverse ecosystems. There'll be plenty to observe on this tour: Washington's apple orchards and vineyards, majestic views of Mount Rainier and Mount Baker, salmon runs, mountain goats, and potential Sasquatch sightings (you never know).
12-16 | September, 2020
300 miles bike ride
in Washington State
Our Blog
      on love of God
      • "My life was very influenced through "Revival Camp". I learned about God and forgiveness. I'm happy that I was able to forgive my friends and improve my relationship with my parents. After the camp, I received a strong desire to become a missionary." Mark has dedicated his life to Christ through water baptism and served all Summer in Kids Camps across Ukraine. He is taking music lessons and plays drums on the worship team.
        Mark Y
        15 Years Old
      • "My name is Arina. I want to tell you that after the Revival Camp God has changed my life. I learned more about God and met new friends. My relationship with my parents, relatives, brothers and sisters have changed. I hope that the next Revival Camp will be even bigger and there will be at least 100 teenagers and God will change their life as He changed mine."
        Arina K
        15 Years Old
      "Not that I desire your gifts;
      what I desire is that more be credited
      to your account."

      Philipians 4:17