Revival Camp
From 20 to 23 August, at the Berryland recreation center, the Solid Rock mission conducted the Revival Camp teenage camp, in which 51 teenagers took part.
The camp program consisted of seminars, worship, and ministries where teens learned about their purpose of creation, sin, repentance, and righteous living in Christ Jesus. In addition to the spiritual part, young people had the opportunity to swim in the lake, play board games, volleyball, football, ping pong; jump on a trampoline and take pictures. In the evening they watched a christian movie and enjoyed freshly made popcorn.
Here are a few comments teenagers said about the camp:
"I really enjoyed the worship, because there was a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and many felt it," shared Anna.
"I'm at the Revival Camp for the first time and I really like it here, but I especially enjoyed watching a movie with popcorn, free time with friends, and meeting new people," Adeline said.
"I liked the sermons, the communication with the teachers. I learned a lot of useful things from what we were told, "said Evelyn.
"In this camp, I found new friends, learned a lot of good information and had good time of rest. I hope next year I will be able to come back to the "Revival Camp" – said Anastasia.