Media training "Christianity in social networks"

Interactive fellowship, covering different topics, group work, analysis, and practical skills - these are the methods used in the media training "Christianity in social networks", which was organized by the mission of Solid Rock.
On March 11-13, young people were trained at the missionary center in the village of Znamenivka to equip them with new skills of working in social networks.
The following topics were presented: Fundamentals of Journalism, Promotion on Instagram and Facebook, Fundamentals of Design, Photography, and Video Editing. The main speakers of the training were Serhiy and Anna Shevchenko - Christian journalists.
Teenagers tried themselves in different roles: filming of videos, written posts, news, tried themselves in Photoshop, taking photos, and video editing.
"This is how the new media team of the Solid Rock mission is created," said one of the organizers of this training.
2021-03-11 20:42 En