Conference "Heart Healing" Lubomir

Ps. 50:12: "Create in me, God, a pure heart…" (UTT)
On December 12-13, 2020 Solid Rock Mission team, together with the church "Kovcheg" in Lyuboml’, Volyn region, held a youth conference, "Healing of the heart." More than 50 young people attended the meeting.
The primary purpose of the event was to help the younger generation learn to forgive and free themselves from resentment because the Bible calls us to do so.
Scientists have repeatedly proven that resentment is often the cause of many diseases; it spreads like a tumor to all spheres of life and has deep roots.
Young hearts are very vulnerable, and they are incredibly open to the words and actions of parents, friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors, and even strangers.
We believe many of those who attended the conference decided to start on the path of reconciliation and forgiveness. 
Pleasant impressions, unforgettable experiences, meaningful seminars, rich fellowship, and new acquaintances left their positive imprint in the memory of young people.
2020-12-12 20:12 En