Woman’s Evening

Scripture says, "How delightfully good when brothers live together in harmony!" 133:1 (CSB). But in our case, I want to paraphrase: "How delightfully good when sisters live together!" On February 5-6, 2021, in Znamenivka, the Solid Rock girls' team organized an unforgettable party for sisters from different churches and denominations. It was a time when nearly 30 women had the opportunity to rest from the hustle of household chores, hear words of encouragement and comfort from the Lord, share testimonies of the miracles God performed in their lives. They were also able to receive counsel and prayer and learn how to make fruit and marshmallow bouquets with their own hands and more. We believe that this event has built and encouraged every sister who joined us, so we hope that we will repeat this fellowship.
2021-02-05 20:35 En