We served in Ukraine in the local churches, sharing our different testimonies and building relationships. We also had the opportunity to present a Christmas program for the children in two different villages, and both times we had a full audience. We presented a play where the characters gifted their hearts to Jesus Christ. We also played some games, sang songs and handed out gifts and prizes to all the children who attended. The main event that we had the opportunity to host, was the school we did for the teens in Znamenonvka, from January 1-4th. We had a group of about 50 teens attend these events and the work God did in their lives was amazing- all glory to the Lord! We had the opportunity to teach a lesson to the teens, spend time in fellowship and prayer with them, share personal life testimonies, have church services and we had a whole day of inner healing. Some of the lesson topics we presented were on evangelism, spiritual warfare, armor of God, identity in Christ, promises of God, spiritual gifts, the calling of God on an individual’s life and the importance of taking thoughts captive. One of the most powerful days we had was the day of Inner Healing. This was a day where we had five sessions with the teens about relationships with parents and others, unforgiveness/forgiveness, addictions and sexual sins. For each session we presented about the topic, talked about different situations and had a response/prayer time when we as the leaders were available to talk with the teens and pray over individual situations and problems that they might have. Each session was so powerful, teens really opened up their hearts and shared with us the different hardships that they went through or current struggles they were experiencing. We as leaders were surprised at how open their hearts were and how willing they were to share their struggles with us. For me personally, I was so amazed to see the Holy Spirit speaking through me to others, using me as a vessel and speaking into the different situations and lives of the teens. I had teens open up to me about different situations and pains that happened in their lives and at that moment, the Holy Spirit would remind me of scripture or place a Word on my heart to share with them. The Holy Spirit was really touching their lives and many testimonies were shared about how God healed their hearts and transformed their lives that day. All praise and glory to the Lord !(:
Alina Ozeruga